(January 2023) – The Certified Horsemanship Association (CHA) International Conference is scheduled for October 26th – 28th in Fort Collins, Colorado in conjunction with Colorado State University Equine Sciences Foothills Campus. This event is open to the public and participants get to ride in sessions on great school horses!
CHA is now accepting speaker applications for classroom style lectures, hands-on horse demos that take place in a round pen or small arena and riding sessions where participants ride on school horses provided by the conference site. Colorado State University’s Equine Sciences Program is providing quality jumping, horsemanship, trail, hunter, and western pleasure horses! Potential speakers are asked to submit the following information: the title and a brief overview of your presentation, type of session (classroom, round pen, arena), and a speaker bio. Deadline for submission is Friday, March 10, 2023. Please send speaker submissions and direct questions to Jacqueline Tiley, jtiley@cha.horse.
Here is a list of all the speakers and their bios from last year so you can see the type of topics that our attendees are interested in, which include riding instructors, barn managers and owners, and general horse enthusiasts – 2022 Conference Speakers
For more information on the conference visit – 2023 International Conference
Hope you can join us this fall in Colorado!
CHA Equine Professionals Change Lives Through Safe Experiences with Horses. The purpose of CHA is to promote excellence in safety and education for the benefit of the horse industry. CHA certifies riding instructors and barn managers, accredits equestrian facilities, publishes educational manuals, has an educational horsemanship streaming video channel, and hosts regional and international conferences. For more information on the largest certifying body of riding instructors and barn managers in North America, Certified Horsemanship Association, please visit www.CHA.horse or call 859-259-3399. To find a certified equine professional or accredited equine facility near you, visit www.CHA.horse