Reach Members of CHA
Advertise in CHA's
The Instructor Magazine
CHA Member Stats
- CHA is Largest Certification Program for Horseback Riding Instructors and Equine Facility Managers in North America. (Most current numbers listed below not in media kit.)
- CHA has Certified over 35,000 equine professionals, since 1967
- Current membership of over 4,000 equine professionals (equine facility managers, riding instructors, etc.) and equine facilities
- Each member has between 2 - 250 horses, on site
- 50% teach English & 50% teach Western
- 80% are female & 20% are male
- 40% work in camping
- 60% work at universities/colleges, lesson barns, boarding barns, trail ride operations, are traveling instructors, etc.
- Each member teaches more than 100 people in group lessons, and between 25 - 1,000 students, per year
Advertise on the CHA Website
CHA members and non-members can post classified ads on CHA’s website Member and non-member rates apply.
Advertise in our Monthly eBlast
Advertise in the
CHA International Conference Program
Donate Items to CHA International Conference Silent Auction
Your tax deductible donation to CHA, which is a 501(c)3 non-profit association, goes a long way in helping us to achieve our mission of promoting excellence in Safety and Education internationally, for the benefit of the entire horse industry.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsorship of Awards Banquet & Keynote Speaker Sessions
Greeting and remarks by a representative of your company during the CHA International Conference annual meeting and awards banquet.
Recognition at International Conference
Company name and logo displayed on all conference signage, welcome displays, press releases & publicity leading up to the event.
Event 4-Pack
Registration for 4 to the event, includes event meals. ($1,750.00 value)
Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet
Greetings and remarks by a representative of your company during the CHA International Conference Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet.
Event Booth Space
Vendor Booth space at the conference event. ($550.00 value)
Event Welcome Bag Inclusions
Company materials and/or a take away gift in the welcome bags to all conference attendees.
Ad space
Full page ad in the conference program. (ad provided by sponsor) ($600.00 value)
Program Membership
Complimentary year's CHA program membership. ($200.00 value)
Magazine Advertising
One full page ad in the CHA annual full color magazine – The Instructor. ($600.00 value)
Website Advertising
Listing on the CHA website under conference sponsor listing and the main home page.
Monthly eBlast Advertising
One year advertising in each monthly CHA e-blast newsletter sent to over 12,000 Equine Professionals. ($2,400.00 value)
The Instructor magazine
One full page ad in the CHA annual full color magazine - The Instructor
Social Media Postings
Quarterly highlight posting on both Main CHA & Regional Facebook pages
Additional Sponsorship Highlights
Sponsorship highlighted at CHA vendor booth at both MA and OH Equine Affaire events
Sponsorship of Welcome Reception/Annual Meeting
Sponsorship off our Welcome Reception, Annual Meeting and Round Table Discussions.
Event 3-Pack
Registration for 3 to the conference, includes event meals. ($1,300.00 value)
Event Booth Space
Vendor booth space at conference event. ($550.00 value)
Event Welcome Bag Inclusions
Company materials and/or a take away gift in the welcome bags to all conference attendees
Recognition at International Conference
Greetings and remarks by a representative of your company during the CHA International Conference Annual Meeting
Signage Recognition
Company name and logo displayed on all conference signage, welcome displays, press releases & publicity leading up to the event.
Program Advertising
Full-page ad in the Conference program (ad provided by sponsor). ($600.00 value)
Magazine Advertising
One half page ad in the CHA annual full color magazine – The Instructor. ($425.00 value)
Website Advertising
Listing on the CHA website under conference sponsor listing and the main home page.
Monthly eBlast Advertising
6 months advertising in monthly CHA e-blast newsletter sent to over 12,000 Equine Professionals. ($1,200.00 value)
Social Media Postings
Quarterly highlight posting on both Main CHA & Regional Facebook pages.
Additional Sponsorship Highlights
Sponsorship highlighted at CHA vendor booth at both MA and OH Equine Affaire events
Program Membership
Complimentary year's CHA program membership. ($200.00 value)
Event 2-Pack
Registration for 2 to the CHA International Conference, includes event meals. ($700.00 value)
Event Booth Space
Vendor booth space at CHA International Conference event. ($550.00 value)
Event Welcome Bag Inclusions
Company materials and/or gift in the welcome bags to all conference attendees.
Recognition at International Conference
Company name and logo displayed on all conference signage, welcome displays, press releases & publicity leading up to the event.
Annual Meeting
Greetings and remarks by a representative of your company during our annual meeting at the CHA International Conference.
Program Advertising
Half page ad in the conference program (ad provided by sponsor) ($425.00 value)
Magazine Advertising
Quarter-page ad in CHA's annual full-color magazine - The Instructor. ($425.00 value)
Monthly eBlast Advertising
3 months advertising in monthly CHA e-blast newsletter sent to over 12,000 Equine Professionals. ($600.00 value)
Event 1-Pack
Registration for 1 to the conference, includes event meals. ($435.00 value)
Event Booth Space
Vendor booth space at conference event. ($550.00 value)
Event Welcome Bag Inclusions
Company materials and/or gift in the welcome bags to all conference attendees.
Recognition at International Conference
Company name and logo displayed on all conference signage, welcome displays, press releases & publicity leading up to the event.
Program Advertising
Quarter page ad in the conference program (ad provided by sponsor). ($435.00 value)
Monthly eBlast Advertising
1 month advertising in monthly CHA e-blast newsletter sent to over 12,000 Equine Professionals. ($200.00 value)
Vendor Booth Space
Conference Program Ads
$145.00 - $850.00 - dependent on size
CHA The Instructor Magazine Ads
$145.00 - $850.00 - dependent on size
CHA Monthly E-blast Ads
$200.00 each month
Certified Horsemanship Association
1795 Alysheba Way, Suite 7102
Lexington, KY 40509