CHA Horsemanship Education

CHA Educational Horsemanship DVDs
CHA produces instructional educational horsemanship DVDs Click on the next tab to search and buy.
CHA Educational Horsemanship Streaming Video Service
CHA offers it’s DVDs through an online streaming service–you can now watch online: one time, or as a monthly subscription to see all of CHA’s educational horsemanship DVDs. Click on the next tab to search our streaming educational horsemanship video library.
CHA Educational Horsemanship Webinars
CHA produces webinars (online workshops and presentations) on a quarterly basis. Below, you’ll find the next / upcoming webinar clearly indicated. The additional webinars are available for purchase, through the CHA Store, in our online archive. To purchase, click on the cart symbol at the bottom of the info box.
Webinars & Hosts
FREE Member Webinars
CHA Horse Radio & Podcasts Archives
CHA Educational Horsemanship Videos
Click here to subscribe to our YouTube channel, to be updated when new videos are posted.
Certified Horsemanship Association
1795 Alysheba Way, Suite 7102
Lexington, KY 40509