Join CHA!

Member Benefits & Types

CHA is a membership driven organization and proud of its grassroots heritage. Each member of CHA is eligible to vote, serve as a candidate for board election and participate in the shaping of the organization through volunteerism, committee participation and direct access to CHA senior management.

Photo by Whole Picture

CHA Member Benefits by Type

  • Individual Membership
  • Business & Program Memberships
  • Affiliate Memberships
Individual MembershipBusiness & Program MembershipsAffiliate Memberships
/ year*
/ year**
/ year***
Subscription to “The Instructor” Magazine
Full-color, printed annually
"Stable Management" Online
NEW Health Insurance for You & Your Family
Visit US Rider at and USEF at
Insurance discounts
Only for CHA Certified Individual Members or Accredited Programs
CHA Monthly Member Chat
One hour free educational webinar
Online CHA Membership Directory
Advertising opportunities
Member Discounts
Discounts on CHA products and services
Free classified ads in monthly eblasts
25 words or less
Attendee discount to CHA International and Regional Conferences
Discounts at most tack shops
When you provide proof of CHA Membership
Professional Liability Insurance
Through Equisure, Inc.,
NEW - Buy extra personal liability insurance
Buy for an extra fee with Equisure, Inc.
Technical support for program and facility issues
Hosting CHA Certification Clinics and WorkshopsN/A
Discounted ads in CHA eblasts
Up to 12 times per year!
Business link from CHA websiteN/A
Free job postings on websiteN/A
Quantity discounts on books and program materialsN/A
Additional marketing and advertising opportunitiesN/AN/A
Eligible for CHA Site Accreditation
Accredited Sites Only $175/year
Continuing education opportunities for riding program staffN/A
Premium discounts to CHA International and Regional ConferencesN/A
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*Individual Memberships:

Are available to any individual, regardless of certification status.

Are eligible for all benefits listed, as well as discounts to attend CHA sponsored events.

Individual Members who are seeking first-time certification, will receive the remainder of their first year of membership compliments of CHA, at the completion of their first certification clinic.

The Individual Member must maintain membership in subsequent years, to keep certification valid.

**Business & Program Memberships:

Available to any equine business or association, such as: camps, stables, schools, equine suppliers and producers.

Business/Program members are eligible for all benefits listed, as well as discounts for program representatives at each CHA sponsored event.

*Affiliate Memberships:

  • One-time article about association in monthly CHA eblast each year
  • Association gets time and space at the CHA International Conference for its own track each year

Additional FEES:

  • Recertification Fee,
    every 3 years
  • AC Application Fee
  • Accreditation Application Fee
  • Clinic Insurance Fee
  • Processing Fee for Certification Clinic Participants

All Membership Dues are accepted
in U.S. Funds, only.

Annual membership is based on the
calendar year of January 1 – December 31.

Join Us!

We invite you to become part of a group of elite professionals dedicated to excellence, by joining CHA. Join over 35,000 others who have been certified with us and at any given time we have 4,000 current certified members. 

Certified Horsemanship Association

1795 Alysheba Way, Suite 7102
Lexington, KY 40509