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Certified Horsemanship Association Offering Numerous
Certifications in North America is in Need of Qualified Host Sites
(April 2019) – Anyone who wants to further their career by earning a Certified Horsemanship Association (CHA) Certification is encouraged to check out the CHA Certification Schedule online at CHA Certifications are intensive multi-day events in which attendees learn and demonstrate their skills so they can be certified at one of CHA’s various certification types and levels. They are currently available for the Standard Instructor in English and/or Western disciplines, Equine Facilities Management (EFM), Instructors of Riders with Disabilities (IRD), and as a Trail Guide or Day Ride Trail Guide. There are also opportunities to host Driving and Vaulting Certifications. Join more than 30,000 experts who have been certified by the largest certifying organization in North America! Through the certification of professionals who can provide safe, effective, and fun experiences with horses, CHA changes lives through safe experiences with horses.
Certification offers many benefits to the instructor, including showing the industry and potential customers that the instructor has the skills and knowledge to teach riders or to run an equine facility according to strict industry standards set by an independent third party. In addition, certification demonstrates professionalism, dedication, and a commitment to horsemanship instruction and/or equine facility management. Certified individuals have demonstrated their focus on the safety and well-being of all participants in equestrian pursuits, humans and horses alike.
The instructor’s willingness to dedicate their time and money to the CHA certification process indicates that they are a serious professional. CHA certified instructors must demonstrate a high level of professional competence and adhere to continuing education requirements set forth by CHA to maintain their certification. In addition, many insurance companies recognize certification and will give discounts.
At this time, English/Western Certifications are available in the following 19 states and three Canadian provinces: Alabama, Alaska, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, and Washington state, and Alberta, Manitoba, and Ontario, Canada.
Those wishing to receive their IRD certification can do so in Arizona, Iowa, Ohio, and Oklahoma, while those wishing to be certified as a trail guide or day ride trail guide can attend certifications in Colorado, Georgia, and Oregon. In addition, those wishing to become a certified equine facilities manager can attend certifications in Colorado, Texas, and Washington.
Each certification includes workshops and hands-on demonstrations in five areas: safety, horsemanship knowledge and ability, teaching techniques, group control, and professionalism and ethics. Two CHA Certification Instructors evaluate each attendee, who must also pass written tests and competently demonstrate their skills as an instructor during the event to receive their certification. The cost of the certification also includes the attendee’s membership in CHA, fees for the event, and all educational materials. Each host site will specify which meals are included and if a lodging option is available with the final price.
To see the complete schedule, please visit Please note that CHA adds host sites to this schedule on an ongoing basis. For more information on attending a CHA Certification, please visit
For anyone wishing to host a CHA Certification, the organization is taking applications to host in the fall of 2019 and beyond. Host sites must become a CHA Program Member that is pre-approved by CHA. If your facility would like to become a new host site for CHA, please visit
For questions, or if you have already been approved as a host site, please contact CHA at to receive your Materials Order Form and Certification Request Form.
To keep up-to-date on all news from CHA, please sign up for the CHA monthly email newsletter at
CHA Instructors Change Lives Through Safe Experiences with Horses. The purpose of CHA is to promote excellence in safety and education for the benefit of the horse industry. CHA certifies instructors and trail guides, accredits equestrian facilities, publishes educational manuals, produces educational horsemanship DVDs and YouTube Safety shorts, and hosts regional and international conferences. For more information on the largest certifying body of equine professionals in North America, Certified Horsemanship Association, please visit or call 859-259-3399. To find a certified horseback riding instructor or accredited equine facility near you, visit