Patricia Bona, D.C.
Dr. Bona received her post-graduate Doctor of Chiropractic in 1987 From Logan College of Chiropractic in Chesterfield, MO. Along with her office in Blue Bell, PA for humans, Dr. Pat has been certified in animal chiropractic by American Veterinary Chiropractic Association (AVCA) since 1994. She is an avid equestrian and horse owner who started in 4-H. Her focus has always been on good posture which must start from the feet up to efficiently thrive under unyielding force of gravity; a basic yet powerful concept. As a result of Doctor Bona’s focus, she developed the Cross Fiber grooming technique in 1997 (Posture Prep Cross Fiber Grooming). A technique of daily grooming that empowers the horse owner as they help to improve the horse’s posture, performance and well-being, with a pre-ride evaluation and massage as they groom. All the while learning that “Posture is the Language of the Horse.”
Assess and Address the Horse’s Myofascial and Postural Imbalances – KHP Club Lounge – Saturday at 3 p.m.
For the past few years Dr. Bona has been seriously focusing on the evaluation of aberrant posture and biomechanics due to scars/scar tissue. Dents, dings, white hairs, areas of hair loss are areas of “healed” injuries with significant restriction that need to be released. All too often they are completely overlooked or thought of as a blemish. This lecture provides profound observations and tools for the novice horse owner to the performance veterinarian.
Shellie Carmoney
Shellie relocated to central Iowa in March of 2014 after she accepted the position of Equestrian Program Specialist at the Jester Park Equestrian Center in Granger. While much of her time is spent designing programs, organizing events and the professional development of instructors, staff and volunteers, Shellie also balances her time in the busy program. She facilitates the At-Risk Youth program, oversees the Department of Corrections stable hands, develops program and therapy horses and teaches multiple levels of students in the able body and therapeutic horsemanship programs. Her philosophy is teaching the “total horse” regardless of the discipline, ability or background of her students. Shellie lives in Johnston, Iowa with her sister, their crazy Maltise dog and her horse, Aragorn.
Riding Instructor Challenge – Covered Arena – Saturday at 4:30 p.m.
Come and watch while CHA Instructors battle it out to see who can teach a brand new rider the best! It is like the Mustang Make Over and other challenges that you see at Expos except with a CHA flair! May the Best Instructor Win!
Patti Colbert
Patti is a “hands-on” promoter for the horse industry. Experience in both private and non-profit equine business led Patti to a position as the Senior Director of the American Quarter Horse Association’s Foundation where she served until 2004. In 2006 Patti’s company began a management arrangement with the Mustang Heritage Foundation, funded in part through Bureau of Land Management grants. Colbert created and launched the Extreme Mustang Makeover events and other Mustang training programs which led to the adoption of more than 5,000 wild horses. Patti currently works with the American Horse Council’s Marketing Alliance, representing major equine breed, discipline and corporate organizations. Patti helped to create “Time to Ride” events and programs including the national “100 Day Horse Challenge” designed to provide incentives for stables, businesses and organizations to host events that connect newcomers to horses.
Keynote – Saturday 7 p.m. – Awards Banquet – Marriott Griffin Gate
Generational Differences and How They Can Affect Your Riding Program
Bob Coleman Ph. D., PAS, Dip.ACAN
Dr. Coleman grew up in western Canada and has had a lifelong interest in horses. He is a graduate of the University of Manitoba with a Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture with a major in Animal Sciences and a Master’s of Science degree. After graduating, Coleman worked in the Canadian Feed Industry as a nutritionist for two major feed companies. In 1980, he moved to Alberta, Canada to be the Extension Horse Specialist for Alberta Agriculture. During his time in Alberta, he completed his Ph.D. with a focus in Equine Nutrition. Dr. Coleman then moved to the University of Kentucky as the Equine Extension Specialist. In addition to his Extension duties, Dr. Coleman teaches in the Equine Science and Management program and serves as the program’s Director of Undergraduate Studies. Dr. Coleman is a member of the AQHF research committee and is the current president of the Kentucky Quarter Horse Association. Professionally, Dr. Coleman is a member of the Equine Science Society where he serves as the executive director, American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists, and the American Society of Animal Scientists as well as a board member for CHA.
Feed Costs – KHP Club Lounge – Friday at 3 p.m.
When managing any group of horses trying to control feed costs is always something that owners struggle with. When prices are low, and who can remember when that was, it is not such an issue but with the way hay and grain prices bounce around having some ideas on how to manage feeding programs to help control costs is always something worth talking about. It is not just about controlling feed intakes, but making sure the feeding programs for your horses meet their needs and do not break the bank. This presentation will discuss some ideas on maintaining costs while making sure your horses are receiving the feed they need. Krishona Martinson, PhD from the University of Minnesota, was also an author for this presentation.
Managing Your Horse’s Weight – KHP Club Lounge – Saturday at 10:30 a.m.
For many horse owners knowing how much their horses weigh can be a great help in managing their feeding programs and administering medications. While some use an old equation that used heart girth and body length there is a newer equation that includes a few more measurements but may give a better indication of how much the horse weighs. In addition you can use some of the measurements to determine what your horse’s ideal weight should be. All in all horse owners can get an estimate of how much the horse weighs, what it should weigh and how are you doing. This all comes in an app for your smart phone. This presentation will look at is your horse fat? Well there is an app for that.
Kathy Findley
Kathy is a licensed judge for numerous national level judging cards. She has officiated at regional and national level breed shows. Kathy’s amateur and youth clients have achieved regional and national championships in numerous divisions including Halter, Showmanship, Equitation, Horsemanship, Hunter under Saddle, Western Pleasure, Trail, Sport Horse in Hand and Dressage. Serving as the chair of the WSHC (WI State Horse Council) Judges Committee, she has been instrumental in improving the Judging Standards. Kathy implemented the WSHC Judges – Evaluation Form and introduced the WSHC “Judge of the Year” Program. Ms. Findley is the author of WI’s First Judging & Showing Guidelines. She is a regular columnist for WI Judges Quarterly Update and has written numerous articles for other equestrian publications, including “Horse Sense”.
Here Comes the Judge! – KHP Club Lounge – Friday at 1:30 p.m.
Do you have what it takes to be a successful judge? What goes on in the mind of a horse show judge? Judging horse shows is much harder work than you might think. There are some very definite skills required. It is the judge’s opinion that sets our goals for the future. Join Kathy and learn what it takes to become a judge and what to expect.
Judging Hands On – Covered Arena Annex – Saturday at 1:30 p.m.
Have you ever wanted to be a “Judge” at a horse show? Join us ring side and you can participate in judging a class. We will score, evaluate and review the class and placings. You will need paper and a pen.
Tammi Gainer
Having grown up around horses, Tammi began her professional equine career in 1989 as a trail guide at a large ranch camp where she was first exposed to the world of equestrian vaulting and attended her first CHA Standard Instructor Certification Clinic. In the spring of 1995 Tammi joined the instructor staff at Pegasus Farm. While working at the Farm part-time and home schooling her three children, Tammi also spent much time working under several trainers in both reining and dressage and achieved PATH Intl. instructor certification. In 2000, she achieved CHA Master Level Instructor and clinic staff status and has since earned Clinic Instructor status in the Instructors of Riders with Disabilities (IRD) and Vaulting Coach programs as well. Since 1998 Tammi has been the head coach of the Pegasus Vaulting Club; an eighteen member recreational team that performs demonstrations and workshops at various venues throughout Ohio. In 2005 Tammi was promoted to Equestrian Director where she now manages all aspects of the equestrian program. Most recently Tammi has achieved Equine Specialist in Mental Health & Learning certification through PATH Intl and AQHA (American Quarter Horse Association) Professional Horseman. In September 2007 Tammi was elected to the CHA Board of Directors and asked to chair the Education & Training Committee & in 2011 was asked to take on the position of Board Secretary. Tammi is the 2011 CHA Volunteer of the Year.
Teaching Tips for Working with Riders with Autism, ADD and ADHD – Marriott Hotel – Thursday at 3:30 p.m.
There are many recognized instructional methods used by schools that can be translated into the riding arena. This workshop will look at those methods of learning and discuss in detail how they can be used to teach horsemanship to students with Autism, ADD, & ADHD.
Vaulting Exercises – Covered Annex Arena – Friday at 9 a.m.
This workshop is for anyone interested in the sport of vaulting from the very beginning to competition. This workshop will be bringing to the “barrel” how vaulting can be incorporated into a wide variety of programs. We will be covering topics such as equipment needs & use, training the vaulting horse, & the vaulting student. This will be a hands-on workshop so come in your tennis shoes & stretchy pants!
Maureen Gallatin
Maureen is best known for providing practical and spiritual encouragement to horse lovers, equipping them to make a difference through a connection with horses. Her unique brand of wisdom, humor and horsemanship is inspirational, and her warmth puts people at ease. She’s the founder of Inspired by Horses, an equestrian-focused Christian leadership, consulting, and inspirational publishing project, and of Amazing Women Inspired by Horses, which celebrates horsewomen and the many ways they are making a difference in the world. Maureen is founder of the International Center for Equestrian Ministry and author of the devotional called, “An Extra Flake.” She divides her time between Lexington, KY and Tryon, NC.
Teaching from a Faith-Based Perspective without Being Preachy – Marriott Hotel Roundtable talk – Thursday at 2 p.m.
Lisa Harris
After graduating from Auburn University with a BS in Animal Science, Lisa received two degrees from the University of Kentucky: an MS in Vet Science, specializing in Equine Biomechanics and an MS in Physical Therapy. She has published an article on Equine Biomechanics in the Journal of Veterinary Science, and has presented in the US and Canada material from her MS Thesis. Lisa and her colleagues presented their MS PT Research Project comparing a human walking to sitting on a horse at the walk at the Ninth International Therapeutic Riding Congress in Denver in 1997. She currently practices physical therapy in an outpatient, private practice setting in Georgetown, Kentucky. She is a Hippotherapy Clinical Specialist and a PATH, Intl Advanced Therapeutic Riding Instructor. Lisa initiated and coordinates the PATH, Intl accredited hippotherapy program at Central Kentucky Riding for Hope which is partnered with Cardinal Hill Rehabilitation Hospital. She teaches a hippotherapy lab each year at the University of Kentucky. Lisa is a graduate ‘A’ pony clubber. She has Evented through the Intermediate Two Star Level and has coached young riders through Preliminary Level. Lisa is currently on the AHA, Inc. Board of Directors and holds the position of Education Chair. She served on the AHA Board of Directors in the past holding 7 roles as the Research Chair and the editor of HIPPOTHERAPY magazine.
American Hippotherapy Association (EAAT) Marriott Hotel Roundtable Talk – Thursday at 2 p.m.
KC Henry
KC Henry co-founded two therapeutic centers and also worked at Fieldstone Farm Therapeutic Riding Center where she was the first paid staff member of what was then a small all-volunteer program. During her 14 years at Fieldstone she moved from instructor to program director to Executive Director and under her leadership Fieldstone Farm completed a $4.5 million dollar campaign, built a state-of-the-art therapeutic riding facility, and developed a staff of 31 people that served 200 students with disabilities weekly. In 2006 she received the James Brady professional achievement award from the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International (PATH Intl). She is now owner/principal at Transitions Unlimited, a 12 year old, rapidly growing consulting firm for nonprofit businesses. KC works with a large variety of nonprofit programs both nationally and internationally (including Turkey and South Africa). She specializes in project development, board development, strategic planning and start-up programs. One of her primary clients is the Horses and Humans Research Foundation – research focused on equine assisted activities. KC is contracted as the foundation’s executive director.
What Science is Telling Us about Horses Impact on Humans – Club Lounge – Saturday at 9 a.m.
The Horses and Humans Research Foundation (HHRF) has been funding scientific investigation on the impact of horses on humans for 8 years now – the results of these studies are remarkable. The findings are showing us in scientific terms why, as Winston Churchill said, “Something about the outside of the horse is good for the inside of man.” HHRF has now funded scientific studies that measure the chemical changes of saliva when children who are abused or neglected participate in equine assisted activities. Why is that important? Not only could an increase in oxytocin, “the bonding hormone,” result in a feeling a wellbeing – it may coincide with relationship building to encourage children with attachment disorders to bond with their foster or adoptive care takers! Ability to bond changes lives. How about veterans with Post Traumatic Stress or Traumatic Brain Injuries? Anecdotal evidence is informing facilitators at more than 400 programs around the country that Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptomatology decreases after participation in these programs. Now we are scientifically measuring participant’s experience of PTSD symptoms as well the intervention’s impact on coping skills, emotional regulation and social engagement. The world will soon know what Winston Churchill and horse lovers have always known. The scientific validation of the positive impact of horses on humans may change everything.
Teresa Kackert
Teresa has been CHA Clinic Instructor since 2003. She is also Chris Irwin Natural Horsemanship Certified and a Richard Shrake Resistance Free Riding Master Level Trainer/Instructor. Teresa is the creator of the ‘Soft Touch’ Training Program – Classical Equitation & Natural Horsemanship and has over 20 years professional experience as a rider, competitor, trainer, instructor, clinician and personal coach. She is founder of Great Horses of America, Consignment Horse Sales Company and Co-Founder of Pink Heart Pony Kids, Inc. Teresa specializes in: confidence building in both horse and rider, horse behavior modification, motivational personal coaching and skill enhancement for riders & horses of all levels and disciplines.
Jumping Exercises – Covered Arena – Saturday at 9 a.m.
This jumping session will encompass the different seats such as the full seat and 2-point. The next step will involve an explanation of each seat and the reason for a change of seat at the walk, trot and canter. Ground poles will follow which will prepare the riders to ride the lines to and from the jumps thru poles in the trot and canter. The x-rails will be introduced demonstrating trotting using the 2-point to jump when starting out and then using a full seat while riding the canter. The next steps will be the verticals and negotiating the start of a course.
How to Teach Many Riders of Different Levels the Same Exercise at the Same Time – Covered Arena – Friday at 1:30 p.m.
This session will show instructors how to teach a solid group lesson even if you have a variety of levels within one class. Specific exercises will be discussed so that you can go back to your barn and use them!
Riding Instructor Challenge – Covered Arena – Saturday at 4:30 p.m.
Come and watch while CHA Instructors battle it out to see who can teach a brand new rider the best! It is like the Mustang Make Over and other challenges that you see at Expos except with a CHA flair! May the Best Instructor Win!
Roxanne Lawrence
Roxanne is the current Executive Director of the Interscholastic Equestrian Association, and she is an initial founding member of that association. Originally from Atlanta, Georgia, her equestrian experience started in the world of hunt seat riding. She spent several years as a trainer and instructor, and ultimately moved into horse show management with positions at The National Horse Show (Madison Square Garden), WEF, HITS, Capitol Challenge, 1996 Atlanta Olympics, and many other notable events around the country. She is currently on the American Youth Horse Council Board of Directors. She went on to manage the Andrews School Equestrian Center for 10 years in the Cleveland, Ohio area where she currently resides.
How Can my Equine Business Get Involved with the Interscholastic Equestrian Association – Marriott Hotel Roundtable talk – Thursday at 2 p.m.
The Interscholastic Equestrian Association was founded in 2002. Just 10 years later, it boasts over 8,000 members who participate in two primary disciplines of Hunt Seat Equitation and Western Horsemanship/Reining. With its draw-based format, the IEA offers competitive opportunities to riders in grades 6-12 that may not own a horse, and it offers significant opportunities for growing your business and attracting new clientele to your lesson program. What are the benefits to your business and your clients? How do you get involved? Come to this session to learn all about the Interscholastic Equestrian Association.
Amanda Love
Amanda is the Horsemanship Director at West Texas A&M University in Canyon, Texas. She is the coach of the Intercollegiate Horse Show Team there and also teaches numerous classes. Amanda is currently on the CHA Board of Directors and is an active rider and does cross fit.
What is the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association and How Can I Get Involved? – Marriott Hotel Roundtable Talk – Thursday at 2 p.m.
IHSA provides collegiate riders of all skills the opportunity to compete individually and as teams in equestrian competition. It was founded on the principle that any college student should be able to participate in horse shows regardless of his or her riding ability or financial status.
Simple Changes of Lead – Covered Arena – Friday at 3 p.m.
Come and learn how to get good lead changes with your students by doing these simple lead change exercises. Exercises that you can take home and start doing with your students right away will be explained.
Riding Instructor Challenge – Covered Arena – Saturday at 4:30 p.m.
Come and watch while CHA Instructors battle it out to see who can teach a brand new rider the best! It is like the Mustang Make Over and other challenges that you see at Expos except with a CHA flair! May the Best Instructor Win!
Jim McDonald
Jim is a lifelong horseman and a lifelong learner. In the year 2000, he started a non-profit organization dedicated to horsemanship education. Part of its mission is to make the joy of a relationship with a horse available to people who would not ordinarily have that opportunity and that was the original motivation for founding the Graham Equestrian center ( They work closely with anyone who wants to advance their horsemanship skills and knowledge. Jim is currently the CHA Board Treasurer and an AQHA Professional Horseman.
Horse Training – What Every Horse Owner Should Know – Covered Arena Annex – Saturday at 9 a.m.
Understanding the principle of operant and instrumental conditioning as it applies to our interaction with the horse will greatly enhance the relationship we have with the horse. Understanding the popular phrases like, “Make the wrong thing difficult and the right thing easy”, and “reward the least little try” with an understanding of the scientific principles of behavior modification that will improve our understanding of how the horse learns. Your patience will expand which will lead to greater safety, effectiveness, and fun with our horses.
Jim McGarvey
Jim McGarvey is chairman of the 14,000 member Back Country Horsemen of America. The Back Country Horsemen, with chapters in 29 states are dedicated to “Keeping the Trails Open for All” on America’s public lands. Previously, Jim was cofounder and CEO of BenchMark Consulting International. His firm specialized in identifying and implementing world class best practices bank operations to major financial institutions on six continents. At age 28, Jim was instrumental in founding and being the Executive Director of Auction America Corporation. Auction America, one of whose important shareholders was Russ Jackson, is now part of the historical development of the Barrett-Jackson Collector Car Auctions as seen on the Speed Channel. Jim graduated from Wright State University with a degree in Political Science.
About Back Country Horsemen of America – Marriott Hotel Round Table Talk – Thursday at 2 p.m.
Over 40 years ago, around a campfire in the Bob Marshall Wilderness of Northern Montana, the idea of the Back Country Horsemen of America was formed. That idea, then and now, is to keep the trails open for horses and mules and hikers – essentially, to keep the trails open for everyone. The BCHA accomplishes this thru boots and hooves on the ground: Trail Work, Education and Advocacy. The BCHA has nearly 14,000 members in 176 chapters across 29 states. In 2013, Back Country Horsemen volunteered over 372,000 hours of work devoted to keeping the trails open in our national forests, national parks and state lands. BCHA members conduct numerous packing and Leave No Trace clinics each year. The BCHA works with other outdoors organization such as The Wilderness Society to advocate with public lands managers and legislators to keep our trails open – for you.
Jill Montgomery
Jill Montgomery is a CHA certified English and Western Riding Instructor, and Equine Facility Manager. She owns and operates the Arroyo Ranch in Pueblo West, CO and is the CEO of JRAM Enterprises, Inc. an Equine Consulting Business. Working in the horse industry for more than 30 years, her experience spans activities as diverse as managing the U.S. Army’s Dude Ranch to serving as Executive Director for the American Youth Horse Council. A published author and equine welfare advocate, Montgomery works to keep equine activities accessible and enjoyable in America.
Expert Witnessing; A Look Inside the Courtroom – Marriott Hotel – Thursday at 3:30 p.m.
The last place most riding instructors would want to appear is a courtroom to testify about how an equine activity led to an accident. Your reason for being involved in a civil liability suit and how you feel about participating in it would vary greatly if you were the defendant, the plaintiff, or an expert witness being paid for your testimony and expert opinions. This session will focus on the role of expert witnesses and help participants understand how the people without law degrees in the courtroom contribute to the judge and jury’s decisions. This topic is important because the outcomes of these courts cases influence, for better and for worse, everyone’s accessibility and enjoyment of equine activities.
Darley Newman
Charismatic TV host and horsewoman Darley Newman travels the globe hosting and producing the Emmy-winning TV series “Equitrekking,” which takes viewers on active horseback riding adventures with local people and is broadcast on PBS and international networks in over 84 countries. She also hosts travel series on AOL, Scripps Networks’ ulive and is a contributing editor for Budget Travel magazine. With Equitrekking Darley combines her passion for horses and travel with her background in television production. Darley has worked with 48 Hours, CBS, FRONTLINE, has hosted Equitrekking segments on the Starz Networks Encore Channel, Ralph Lauren TV and reporting live news from the White House and Capitol Hill. Recently, Darley has led film crews on national and international shoots, riding with cowboys in the Canadian Rockies, interviewing HRH Princess Alia at the Royal Stables in Jordan, trekking through the world’s largest inland delta in Africa and beyond–– all to help educate and excite her dedicated fans. Darley has been honored with five Daytime Emmy Award nominations, alongside media moguls Ellen DeGeneres, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, received the North American Travel Journalist Award two years in a row and been honored with the Inspiring Woman Award from Women in Philanthropy and Leadership. An entrepreneur and published author, Darley created and oversees a variety of websites with resources for travelers interested in horseback riding around the world, including, and
Keynote – Equitrekking – Marriott Hotel – Thursday at 5:30 p.m.
Love exploring a new place on horseback? Join equestrian travel expert Darley Newman, host of the Emmy-winning PBS TV series “Equitrekking,” for a video countdown of the top destinations you’ve got to add to your bucket list. Watch stunning behind the scenes video from global travels, as Darley tells you the best places to saddle up for all riding styles and levels, including helpful tips on how to make your dream trip come true. With personal stories of harrowing adventures from horseback riding in iconic US and international locations, including the desert in Jordan, rainforests and beaches in Costa Rica, national parks in the USA, volcanoes in Hawaii and beyond, you won’t want to miss this educational and exciting keynote.
National Reining Horse Association
What horseman doesn’t love to see a smooth stopping horse that can spin on a dime and rollback in his tracks after the slightest of cues? The National Reining Horse Association promotes the sport of Reining and these athletic and maneuverable athletes. From training DVDs and entry-level classes to local shows and the NRHA Professionals program, NRHA can improve your day in the saddle – whether you’re in the show pen or on the trail. Visit to find out how you can have the slide of your life in the sport of Reining.
Ride a Reiner – Covered Arena – Saturday at Noon
First offered in 2010 at the Alltech© FEI World Equestrian Games in Lexington, Ky., “NRHA Ride a Reiner” has taken the country by storm by giving novice and experienced riders the opportunity to ride a reining horse. Nowhere else in the world can spectators find an option like this: the chance to receive a hands-on lesson from an NRHA Professional, to enjoy a dizzying spin and to feel the power of sliding stops on a well-trained reining horse!
Sue Robinson
Sue has taught riding for over 40 years, as a volunteer 4-H leader, in the private industry as an instructor at Robinson Farms, as manager, instructor, and trainer at Overcup Oaks Quarter Horses and presently as Coordinator of Riding, Lecturer, and Equestrian Team coach for both Stock Seat and Hunt Seat at Murray State University. Sue is a member of Certified Horsemanship Association, AQHA’s Professional Horseman’s Association, the National Association of Equine Affiliated Academics and advisor of MSU Horseman’s Club. Sue has trained equestrians from local to national competitions.
Building Rider Strength and Fitness Through Exercise – Covered Arena – Friday at 4:30 p.m.
In our society today much attention is being focused on lack of physical fitness, this lack follows through into the horse industry. Although much emphasis is placed on having a horse in condition to perform, for a horse to achieve maximum performance the rider must also be physically fit. When a rider is in top physical condition they will be able to continuously supply the support for the horse to perform at the highest level. This conditioning or fitness can be attained and maintained through a set of exercises designed to work on balance and softness or relaxation of the joints. These must be achieved together as one complements the other when riding. Through predetermined exercises both on and off the horse, a rider, from beginner to advanced, can develop a body awareness or muscle memory that allows them to feel when they are in proper alignment with the horse’s center of gravity and be able to maintain that alignment. Whether you are riding Western or English, the correct body position to achieve balance and remain soft or relaxed through your seat and joints is the same. The body must be aligned; ear, shoulder hip heel. This same alignment is also used in other sports such as martial arts, golf, skiing, skating, or just walking. The set of exercises presented here work on balance and softness of the riders joints, as well as rider strength. These exercises work on the whole body or they can target specific areas where special effort is needed. Even the most timid riders benefit from exercise as they acquire balance and strength, and gain self-confidence as they move around on their horses back in various positions. Like all athletes, riders should warm up to prepare to ride, just as they warm up their horse. The use of an exercise routine, whatever discipline you ride will benefit both horse and rider. The one that will benefit most from a rider that can balance, stay relaxed, and have the endurance to support throughout the ride is the horse. A properly prepared and warmed up horse and rider become a team that can be comfortable on the trail or formidable in the arena.
Cheryl Rohnke Kronsberg
Cheryl grew up riding horses and started training professionally at the age of 16. She is now a CHA Master Instructor, CHA Clinic Instructor, CHA Region 10 Director and an AQHA Professional Horseman with over 35 years experience teaching riders and training horses of all levels. At her home, CRK Training Stable, Cheryl boards, trains and teaches riding. Her students range from complete beginners to upper level show riders. You can contact Cheryl at CRK Training Stable at
Sideways – Teaching Side Pass and Pivot – Covered Arena Annex – Friday at 1:30 p.m.
Cheryl will be teaching about those ever elusive lateral movements-Side Passing & Pivoting. We will begin on the ground as is appropriate for weanlings or yearlings headed to the in-hand trail classes or any horse that needs a better handle on the ground. Then we will move to under saddle methods for safe, smooth and efficient movements that are helpful on the trail, in the arena or the show pen. Cheryl will also stress the best ways to teach these skills to riders new to the concepts.
Dale Rudin
Dale is certified with the Certified Horsemanship Association as a Western and English instructor. She has been training horses and teaching riders for over 30 years. She developed Unnatural Horsemanship®, a mindful approach to training and horsemanship that focuses on the instincts that drive a horse as a herd and prey animal. Each horse is seen as an individual with a unique personality, inherent abilities, and experiential history. She resolves problems related to behavior or performance by improving the horse’s physical and emotional well-being and enhancing relationship, communication, and understanding between horse and human. In addition to working with horses and their people, Dale shares her techniques and philosophies in articles and columns in Horse Illustrated magazine and on She has also written for Young Rider, Paint Horse Journal, and Horses USA (now Your First Horse). Dale lives in Middle Tennessee and offers private instruction, clinics, and classes, helping all breeds of horses and levels of rider create successful partnerships and collaborative teams.
Riding Instructor Challenge – Covered Arena – Saturday at 4:30 p.m.
Come and watch while CHA Instructors battle it out to see who can teach a brand new rider the best! It is like the Mustang Make Over and other challenges that you see at Expos except with a CHA flair! May the Best Instructor Win!
Cindy Rullman
Cindy is a lifelong advocate for animals. She spent several years in the Thoroughbred industry working at Spendthrift Farm, Ashford Stud, and on the backstretch at Keeneland racetrack. Next she moved into the office and worked several years in advertising, public relations, and marketing for equine businesses, before spending six years in fundraising and public relations at the Lexington Humane Society. Later, she worked for eight years in public relations at the Kentucky Horse Park, where she launched the park’s first homeless horse adoption events and free gelding clinics, during which time she received the “Welfare Advocate of the Year” award from the Kentucky Horse Council. Most recently, Cindy joined the 1,000-member global staff of the Brooke – the largest international equine welfare organization in the world – as their only staff member in North America. She also serves on the Advisory Board of the Kentucky Equine Humane Center and supports several animal protection organizations.
Juan Valdez Had a Donkey – Enhancing the Standard of Care for the World’s Most Important and Undervalued Worker – KHP Club Lounge – Friday at 9 a.m.
This is our 80th anniversary for the Brooke, so it’s a very big year for us. Last year we reached more than 1.1 million working equines in 11 developing countries (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal, India, Ethiopia, Kenya, Egypt, Jordan, Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Senegal). We provided veterinary care for the animals and a great deal of training for their owners in better animal husbandry practices. These people and their animals are the poorest of the poor, so everything that we teach and do is sustainable in these poverty-stricken countries. The people are utterly dependent upon their animals to provide a meagre living for their families, so as we reduce the suffering of the animals, we are also helping the owners and their families, who will have a healthier, happier animal who can continue to work for them.
Bennie Sargent
A lifelong resident of Georgetown, Kentucky, Bennie began his horse show career as a youth in 4-H and Quarter Horse competitions, graduating to the amateur ranks at the end of his youth eligibility. He soon decided to make horse training his life’s work, turned in his amateur card and set about building his business and his reputation as a professional trainer specializing in all-around horses. Bennie has been a successful trainer for more than 35 years. He has trained and shown horses to seven versatility championships, multiple AQHA championships, and numerous AQHA Honor Roll honors in several events, including halter, reining, working hunter, and trail. He has also guided customers, primarily youth and amateurs, to multiple AQHA, AQHYA, Congress, APHA, IBHA and PHBA championships. Bennie is also very involved in NRHA competition, having been an NRHA member for more than 30 years. Several of his non-pro and youth customers have ranked in the top 10 in the nation. He has had horses place at the Congress in the NRHA events as well as AQHA reining. A national AQHA director for the past twelve years, Bennie is active on the Professional Horsemen’s Committee. He is on the AQHA Show Council and the Drug and Tail Task Force. He has served on the World Show Task Force Committee and the Long Range Strategic Planning Committee for AQHA shows. In addition to being an AQHA judge for 17 years, Bennie holds cards in APHA, PHBA, IBHA and NSBA. Bennie, his wife Cheryllee and their daughter Sydney live in Paris, KY in the heart of Bluegrass Country. Sargent Quarter Horses has 40 stalls as well as indoor and outdoor arenas.
Riding Squares Instead of Circles – Covered Arena – Friday at 10:30 a.m.
We are often taught to ride circles, but what about squares? Great take home exercises for your students at all levels to be successful riding squares instead or as well as circles and becoming better horsemen by doing so.
Jochen Schleese
Jochen documented over 34 years of his experience as German Certified Master Saddler and Saddle Ergonomist in his books ‘Suffering in Silence – The Saddle Fit Link to Physical and Psychological trauma in Horses’ (2013), ‘The Silent Killer’ (2012) and DVD ’Beyond the 9 Points of Saddle Fit’.
Is your Horse Suffering in Silence? – Detailed Look at Saddle Fit – Covered Arena Annex – Saturday at 10:30 a.m.
Common serious effects of ill-fitting saddles include: chipped shoulder cartilage, sore back, behavioral issues, pain and lameness. Jochen shares insights and solutions to achieve optimal saddle fit.
Rider Issues and the Gender of Saddle Fit – Covered Arena – Saturday at 1:30 p.m.
Are you struggling with an ill-fitting saddle? Sore back, hips, knees, pelvic discomfort, feeling ‘pulled apart’, chair seat, struggling to maintain position, fighting the saddle, feeling ‘behind’ or ‘in front of’ the motion? Jochen explains these issues and shares solutions for the differing anatomy of women and men.
Tom Schell, D.V.M, CVCH
Tom is a private practicing equine veterinarian in North Carolina for the past 20 years, focusing currently on consultations regarding the impact and use of herbs and nutrition in managing chronic disorders in the horse. In 2006, Dr. Schell started Nouvelle Research, Inc., a private research organization dedicated to investigating the impact of chronic inflammation, immune dysfunction and the use of targeted herbs in the management of many chronic conditions in horses, pets and people. Out of this research, the Cur-OST line of all natural anti-inflammatory supplements was created, being put in use in horses worldwide for the past 8 years with tremendous success. In 2014, Dr. Schell started the Handi-Capp Equine Rehabilitation & Relocation program, putting to use the research he has gathered as well as Cur-OST product formulations to aid in the recovery of injured TB’s coming off of the racetrack with the goal of restoring soundness and enhancing the chances of relocation to a new home.
Chronic Inflammation and the Horse; Laminitis and Insulin Resistance – KHP Club Lounge – Friday at 4:30 p.m.
This lecture will help make connections with many current disease and lameness conditions in equines. Given our research over the past 8 years, we feel we have made huge strides in helping many horses to recovery from conditions once thought to be career ending or cost prohibitive for the owners to manage.
Mary Ann Simonds
Mary Ann has integrated her academic degrees in equine and human behavioral psychology and ecology with her equestrian background, working professionally for over 35 years in the horse industry. She grew up in California showing jumpers, and then attended the University of California and University of Wyoming to study the social ecology, behavior, and biology of wild horses. Realizing the need for higher education in our horse industry, Mary Ann founded the Whole Horses & Equestrian Science Institute in 1985 while brokering Sport Horses to bring more science of horses as a species into the horse world. Later, she received her master’s degree studying the interactions and relationships of horses and people helping to define the fields of Interspecies and Equestrian Psychology. She serves as scientific advisor for several equine non-profits and was an appointed member of the 1990 Federal Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board. With one foot in the world of science and the other in the world of horses, Mary Ann acts a bridge and often is referred to as the “missing piece” for horsemen. She has developed a line of stress management and therapeutic products for horses including conducting research on magnetic field therapy and vibrational medicine in the late 1980s. A speaker, author, producer, equestrian, clinician, coach and horse lover, Mary Ann is passionate about educating others to better understand the real nature and culture of horses in an effort to limit stress in horses, ultimately improving performance and cooperation.
Equine Sports Coaching Skills – Covered Arena Annex – Friday at 3 p.m.
Presents an overview of the basic psychology with a little neural biology of horse and rider, and how to achieve better communication and deep connections. Exercises include body/mind techniques integrating such modalities as NLP, cognitive skills, brain waves shifts, visualizations, energy management breathing and heart coherence. The importance of thought and energy management of riders is stressed with respect to their relationship with their horse, and communication to bring about a positive relationship for various disciplines.
Ward Stutz
Ward is the current CHA President and the Senior Director of Breed Integrity for the American Quarter Horse Association. He is responsible for AQHA’s animal welfare initiatives, which include the steward program to ensure all animals at AQHA events are treated humanely and exhibitors are practicing sportsmanlike conduct. In addition, he assists with AQHA’s public policy initiatives. He is the staff liaison to AQHA’s Professional Horsemen’s Council. Ward received his B.S. degree from Colorado State University in agriculture industries management and a M.S. from Oklahoma State University in animal science. His horse industry experience includes: training, judging, showing, racing, packing and teaching. Ward has been involved with many industry associations including: American Horse Council, Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association, Animal Welfare Council and serving as Past President of the American Youth Horse Council.
Welcoming Keynote Address – Marriott Hotel – Thursday at 1 p.m.
Mitzi Summers
Mitzi has been devoted to the welfare and safety of horses and their people for most of her life. The recipient of the CHA Instructor of the Year Award, Mitzi is also one of less than thirty Level IV Centered Riding Instructors in the world. Through her achievement of CHA Master Instructor and Clinician, and a Centered Riding Clinician, Mitzi has certified or updated hundreds of instructors so far in her career. She has taught and trained in many countries, including South Africa, New Zealand, and throughout Europe. Mitzi specializes in working in a very individualized basis with riders and their horses, teaching them to train their own horses in a non-abusive way. She is truly multi-talented, working with a rider in Ireland short-listed for the Olympics, to a rider who has fear issues and is afraid to trot. Horses who have been confused or traumatized are her specialty. Three of her mentors were Charles Grant, Vi Hopkins, and Sally Swift, all recipients of the USDF Hall of Fame Award. Mitzi will be interested in helping you and your horse no matter what level or discipline, she truly “Teaches the Beauty of Horses”.
Semi Private Centered Riding Lessons – Covered Arena – Friday at 9 a.m.
Come and ride with Mitzi for only $55 with one other person and get some specialized attention in Centered Riding.
Long Lining and Double Lunging – Covered Arena Annex – Friday at 10:30 a.m.
Ground work with horses can be invaluable in the process of either preparing a young horse to be ridden, or in further developing suppleness and strength in an older horse. Mitzi will go through the step by step process involved in teaching a horse these skills so the horse remains calm and accepts the training without fear or stress. Ground work skills for a horse can be invaluable, but are frequently used incorrectly or misunderstood. There will be an opportunity for hands-on practice for some observers.
Western Dressage Defined – Covered Arena Annex – Saturday at 3 p.m.
Western dressage is rapidly becoming more popular for western riders who are looking for an activity that will improve their horses. The true test of schooling your horse should be that you are improving his balance, strength, suppleness, and encouraging a willing and calm disposition. Correct Western Dressage accomplishes this. Mitzi completed The Western Dressage Association of America’s Trainer’s Course this year in North America. The standards demonstrated and discussed were clearly for the benefit of the horse. Riders in this presentation will be assisted with the effectiveness of their equitation and aids to correctly develop the athleticism of their horses.
Jody Taylor
Jody rode his first horse at about 4 years old and then learned to rope before 10 and was entering some local shows and rodeos in Texas. Jody was involved in Texas High School Rodeo Association, roping and riding rough stock. His first job was at a stable just a couple of miles down the road named Cedarwood Farm. There he learned the daily activities and duties of a boarding stable, lesson program and the operation of a Horse Trial. Then he was employed at a large Arabian facility known as Bentwood Farms and rode with John Burris, out of Stephenville, Texas training horses. In his mid-thirties he started focusing more on horses and completed his rodeo career. Jody and his wife, Kim a trainer as well, purchased a horse property, Star T Ranch. Starting out they ran a cow/calf herd, horse boarding, riding lessons, training, and equine transportation facility. Eventually they narrowed this down and focused on just horse boarding, riding lessons, training and equine transportation. They provide English and Western riding lessons, specializing in Eventing, including Dressage, Show Jumping and Cross Country. They incorporate natural horsemanship into Eventing and Hunter Jumpers and are members of CHA, USEA, AreaV-Eventing, NTEA, NTHJC and AQHA. Kim and Jody are both certified instructors and care for 35 horses and have 50 students. Visit
Jumping Exercises – Covered Arena – Saturday at 9 a.m.
This jumping session will encompass the different seats such as the full seat and 2-point. The next step will involve an explanation of each seat and the reason for a change of seat at the walk, trot and canter. Ground poles will follow which will prepare the riders to ride the lines to and from the jumps thru poles in the trot and canter. The x-rails will be introduced demonstrating trotting using the 2-point to jump when starting out and then using a full seat while riding the canter. The next steps will be the verticals and negotiating the start of a course.
Flying Lead Changes – Covered Arena – Saturday at 3 p.m.
This session will start going through and giving examples of all the steps that it takes to enable a horse and rider to accomplish lead changes. It will also include realistic time lines depending on the horse. It will show examples of simple lead changes and move into flying lead changes and discuss young and more refined horses. A demonstration on the process will be given starting with the steps going all the way to Tempe changes.
Mitchell L. Taylor, CJF, DipWCF
Mitch began his farrier training in 1975 and has been an AFA Certified Journeyman Farrier since 1982. Mitch has served as the President of the Registry of Professional Farrier Educators, as a member of the AFA Equine Research Committee, served on the AFA Board of Directors and served as Chairman of the AFA Education Committee. He also serves on the Welfare and Safety of the Racehorse Summit Shoeing and Hoof Care Committee. With a BS in Biology and Chemistry, Mitch did his post graduate work in Equine Physiology at the University of Kentucky. Currently, Mitch is the director of the Kentucky Horseshoeing School in Richmond, KY where he continues to pursue his interest in equine research by continually investigating equine anatomy and biomechanics and how that is affected through various shoeing modalities. Mitch has twice been awarded the AFA’s Educator of the Year award and is proud to count his many successful students Mitch is proud to count 6 members of the AFA US National Horseshoeing Team as well as students who have earned positions with various US equine teams, leading veterinary hospitals, university veterinary schools and have even shod Kentucky Derby winners.
Taking Great Care of the Lesson Horse – Marriott Hotel – Thursday at 3:30 p.m.
You will learn in this talk why it is so important to have regular, competent hoof care for your sport horse and the relationship of healthy feet, sound horses and good athletes.
An Overview of Good Hoof Care Including Basic Anatomy – KHP Club Lounge – Friday at 10:30 a.m.
In this talk you will learn the anatomy, dynamics and functions of the horses’ foot. You will learn the characteristics of a healthy foot, and how to identify the difference between healthy feet and those that are not. We will talk about the physiology of normal feet, and the variations of normalcy that we see within a population. You will learn the function of a horse shoe, the correct application and use of them, and how shoes can be helpful, in the right hands, with conformation, gaiting and therapeutic purposes.
Randi Thompson
Randi is the founder of the “Horse and Rider Awareness ® Educational Programs” and ”How to Market Your Horse Business.” She has been in the horse industry for over 3 decades and has been coaching professionals for 20+ years in horse and rider training, business and marketing. Randi has worked with many breeds of horses and styles of riding in her career and has produced national winners in the worlds of dressage, hunter/jumper, western pleasure, and flat shod walking horses. Randi has been featured as the keynote speaker at the largest equestrian trade shows in the US and will be presenting at the Mass. Equine Affaire this year. Randi is also a horse industry legal consultant and expert witness.
What Does It Really Mean to Ride From Your Seat and Legs? – Covered Arena Annex – Friday at 4:30 p.m.
Everyone talks about riding from your seat and legs, but what does that really mean? Now you can watch what happens as Randi takes riders through a process that shows them how to feel when a horse is “under their seat” and moving from their legs. This session includes keeping a horse straight, turns on the forehand, leg yielding and more. Would you like to have more advanced techniques that you can use in your riding or with your students? If so, this is a session that you will want to see.
United States Polo Association
Originally known as The Polo Association, the USPA was created in 1890 to govern polo handicaps, rules, and tournaments in America and Canada. Constantly growing and obtaining more members, the USPA has a multitude of programs designed to help American polo players improve their skills and compete in the “Game of Kings.”
Polo Demonstration and Lessons – Covered Arena – Friday at Noon
Come and learn more about the sport of polo and how to incorporate some of the exercises into your current riding program. Then hop on and play a mock game of polo!
United States Polo Association – Round Table Talk – Marriott Hotel – Thursday at 2 p.m.
Nathan Voris, DVM, MBA
Dr. Voris serves as a senior veterinarian on the Zoetis equine technical services team. Dr. Voris graduated from the University of Missouri’s College of Veterinary Medicine and completed an internship at Rood and Riddle Equine Hospital in Lexington, Kentucky. Prior to joining Zoetis he was an equine veterinarian for 10 years in central Missouri.
While in practice, Dr. Voris earned his Master of Business Administration degree from William Woods University which equipped him to expand his role in practice. As a result, Dr. Voris drove the practice’s marketing and client education initiatives by utilizing technology to enhance practice productivity and client communications with primary focus on integrating the clinic’s website with multiple social networking platforms. Dr. Voris understands the demands of busy equine professionals and has balanced the management responsibilities of business communications and social media while performing veterinary duties in a progressive, equine clinical practice. His experiences have enabled him to assist equine veterinarians, small business owners and horsemen from across the country with practical strategies to develop and share content and tools to make the process of feeding the social media beast less burdensome.
Social Media Defined for the Horse Industry – KHP Club Lounge – Saturday at 1:30 p.m.
You’re an expert at guiding your students and horses to the best that they can be. Sometimes, it’s a daunting task to work ‘on’ your business instead of just ‘in’ it, from a time standpoint since you’re busy teaching! Gain time tested and proven methods that help you develop your strategy to answer key questions about why clients should work with you and define your competitive advantage that reaches your specific target audience. Strategic Marketing Planning helps you focus your efforts on the right clients. Using Social Media effectively and providing the most efficient way is part of that plan. Get the right tools so your potential new clients hear your value message and recall the information. Solidify your existing clients so they recommend you. It is important that you are communicating to the right people, at the right time. You’ll come away with defining your competitive advantage, how to target client segments and how to save time and money using social media in a way that speaks to your strengths and engage your clients while building your own raving fan club.
Jan Weber
Jan currently co-owns and manages EVADI Farm, a 100 acre boarding facility with 30 stalls in Paris, KY. She was the Deputy Competition Director for Vaulting at the 2010 World Equestrian Games in Lexington, KY and an invited member of the CHIO Aachen Vaulting Show Office team in 2013 and the European Vaulting Championships in 2015. She has served as a board member representing vaulting for the United States Equestrian Federation, the United States Equestrian Team, the American Youth Horse Council and the American Vaulting Association. She was a member of the original joint CHA/AVA Certification Committee in 2004. Her love of vaulting began in 1992 and she has focused on developing vaulting as an introductory equestrian sport and helping all equestrians understand the benefits of the sport as a supplemental riding program for existing programing.
American Vaulting Association – Marriott Round Table Talk – Thursday at 2 p.m.
Come and find out more about the AVA and how you can get vaulting started in your lesson program.
Mary Anna Wood
Mary Anna works for the Internal Revenue Service and in her free time competes in NATRC rides around the country. Her horse Elmer and she accumulated many miles and awards in NATRC during their career together. Mary Anna is a CHA Clinic Instructor in both Trail and English/Western.
North American Trail Ride Conference – Marriott Hotel Round Table Talk – Thursday at 2 p.m.
The North American Trail Ride Conference (NATRC) provides long distance competitive trail rides for riders of all equine breeds and from all disciplines. It promotes safety, sportsmanship, education and trail horse advocacy through qualified evaluation of horse and rider by veterinary and horsemanship judges, in a fun, responsible environment for the whole family.
Lisa Wysocky
Lisa is a registered level PATH International instructor and also holds certifications as a mentor, and an Equine Specialist in Mental Health and Learning. In addition, she has been chosen as one of the country’s Top 50 riding instructors by ARIA. With a life balanced between books and horses, Lisa is an author, equine clinician, and motivational speaker who trains horses for and consults with therapeutic riding programs. Lisa graduated from the University of Minnesota with a degree in equine management, and then brought her ideas on success to the show ring. Early wins on the national Appaloosa horse show circuit took Lisa across North America, where she was asked to speak, or to write articles for national publications. Lisa’s passion for writing and speaking led to a second run at college where she studied communications and journalism. Lisa is the co-author of a number of books, including My Horse, My Partner: Teamwork on the Ground, which helps horse and human partners form amazing bonds using traditional ground training, natural horsemanship, and desensitization. Lisa combines her love of horses and country music in Horse Country: A Celebration of Country Music and the Love of Horses. This beautiful coffee table book features twenty-seven of the top stars of country music talking about how horses changed their life for the better. The publication of the four-time award winning equestrian mystery, The Opium Equation, marked Lisa’s debut fiction effort. The follow up, The Magnum Equation, takes place at an all-breed horse show. Both books were recently optioned for television. Learn more at
American Competitive Trail Horse Association – Marriott Hotel Round Table Talk – Thursday at 2 p.m.
Come and find out more about ACTHA and how you can get involved.
A Riding Lesson from the Horse’s Perspective – Covered Arena – Saturday at 10:30 a.m.
What the horse sees, hears, tastes, and smells during your riding lesson, and how this information impacts your lesson. Lisa brings the audience through a typical riding lesson that incorporates both western trail obstacles and English equipment such as small jumps and cavaletti poles, and explains each step of the lesson from the horse’s point of view. From your body posture and facial expression; to the color, size, and placement of your arena equipment and obstacles; to the rider’s movements, this eye-opening session is a must-see for every instructor.
JoAnne Young
JoAnne has been teaching riding and training horses for over 40 years, and is happy that she is still learning. Every student and every horse bring fresh challenges that keep life interesting. She has been privileged and blessed beyond her wildest dreams to study with such wonderful instructors as Walter Zettl (dressage coach to Canadian event team when they won bronze at Los Angeles Olympics), Bertin Potter in Germany, Molly Sivewright (FEI judge and past chair of the Fellows of the British Horse Society), Carel Eijkenaar (FEI judge), Eddo Hoestra (FEI Trainer) and Doris Halstead (Physical Therapist and author of “Releasing the Potential: Physical Therapy Modalities for Horse and Rider.” Jo-Anne is the author of the M.A. thesis: “Preparing students for riding instructor certification through college curricula.”
Semi- Private Dressage Lessons – Covered Arena – Friday at 9 a.m.
Ride with JoAnne for only $55 to receive some specialized attention in dressage.