How to Host a Certification

About CHA Certifications

CHA certifies riding instructors, vaulting, driving, equine facility managers and trail guides, accredits riding facilities and provides resources to programs and instructors in the form of published industry standards for equestian programs, student horsemanship manuals and instructor manuals. Additionally, program materials are offered by CHA including student awards and certificates, posters and other educational resources.

The Certified Horsemanship Association (CHA) is a 501(c)3 non-profit membership association, founded in 1967. CHA promotes excellence in horsemanship safety and education to the entire horse industry.

Previous Host Sites

Certification Request Form Needed

NEW Host Sites

Become a CHA Host Site


English/Western Instructor Certification

Offers certification for both English (with and without jumping) and Western instructors at four horsemanship levels; also addresses short trail rides.

Trail Guide Certification

Offers certification for trail guides at four levels from hourly guide to wilderness packer.

Day Ride Trail Guide Certification

Offers a 3--day certification for those that operate trail rides by the hour.

Combined Certification

Offers both trail guide and instructor certification at the first two levels of both the Standard and Trail program.

Vaulting Coach Certification

For vaulting coaches from recreational to competitive.

Instructors of Riders with Disabilities

Offers certification for instructors who deal with riders with disabilities; levels of certification available for both Physical and Cognitive from Assistant to Level 3 Instructor in each.

Seasonal Equestrian Staff Certification

A non-renewable seasonal certification available only to equestrian staff of CHA Program Member facilities that work under a CHA Level 1 or higher certified instructor or guide.

Equine Facility Management Certification

For barn management from Stable Worker, Stable Manager, Herd Manager to Equine Facility Manager.

Driving Instructor & Driver Certification

For drivers as well as driving instructors.

College Certification

For students enrolled in the college to be attained normally upon graduation.

CHA Certifications

CHA Certifications are offered at approved host sites. Certifications are organized by the hosting facility and conducted by two CHA Certifiers (Seasonal and Day Ride Trail Guide certifications only have one CHA Certifier).

Host Sites are responsible for:

  • picking the dates of the Certification,
  • hiring the CHA Certifer(s), 
  • marketing the event to prospective participants,
  • having quality arenas, trails, arena equipment, horses, and tack,
  • meeting space for at least 12 people,
  • continental breakfast and full lunch for the attendees,
  • paying applicable certification fees to CHA

Host sites may conduct private certifications for the sole benefit of their own riding staff, or may open certifications to outside participants to offset the cost of the certification. CHA suggests a minimum fee of $650 charged to participants, to help ensure the financial success of the certification and to prevent unfair competition. Seasonal Equestrian Staff and Day Ride Trail Guide certifications have certain limitations and minimum fee does not apply.


CHA Certification Scholarship

For individuals in critical financial need seeking to develop career opportunities or program credibility through CHA certification.

DUE: February 28 (annually)

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CHA Education Scholarship

For individuals in critical financial need seeking to develop equine related career opportunities with  enrollment in equine studies at an accredited college or university

DUE: February 28 (annually)

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